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Nahaufnahme eines Stethoskops auf einem Blatt PapierAkupunktur Studium

General Information

The term acupuncture is made up of the Latin words acus (needle) and pungere (prick), so it is a form of treatment in which the body's own regulatory mechanisms are stimulated and restored through the targeted stimulation of clearly defined points in the body using fine acupuncture needles.

Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective method and has a wide range of applications. The WHO list of indications for acupuncture includes, among others:

  • Acute and chronic pain of various types
  • Pain and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • Allergies
  • Skin disorders
  • Headache
  • Migrane
  • Urological disorders
  • Gynecological diseases
  • ENT diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.)
  • Functional disturbances
  • Vegetative complaints
  • Psychosomatic illnesses
  • Addictive disorders
Details about the Process

Acupuncture Treatment

In an acupuncture treatment, both near and distant points are considered, i.e. points that lie in or in close proximity to the primary pain region as well as those that are distant from it—on the opposite arm or leg, for example.

In the area of the puncture site, you may experience a feeling of heaviness or pressure or the feeling of a slight "electrification" may develop. This so-called "De Qi" sensation is desirable and indicates a good therapeutic effect of the corresponding point.

During the actual acupuncture session, the patient usually lies relaxed and comfortable. The insertion of the individual needles can be felt as painful for a brief moment ("De Qui" feeling), but after a short time the patient usually only feels a tingling or a feeling of warmth.

Often, a very pleasant feeling of relaxation develops. The needles remain in the corresponding points for approximately 30 minutes to develop their therapeutic effect, during which time the patient can relax.

Palm leaves closeup
Therapeutic effects

Potential effects of acupuncture treatment

  • Pain relieving
  • Regulating muscle tone
  • Relaxing
  • Immunomodulating
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Decongestant
  • Promoting blood circulation
  • Mental balancing
  • Anxiety-relieving
  • Regulating the circulation
  • Sleep-promoting

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